Valentines Thursday Thrive 2013
1 Timothy 1:18-20
Is not about dealing with sin!
It's about learning about righteousness!
Right consciousness, right standing.
You don't get rid of things by focusing on them.
Divine displacement!
Sin nature has already been crucified, it's dead and GOD doesn't even want to talk about it!
Don't pick up the condemnation because GOD doesn't look at you in the past, He sees you through the righteousness of Christ!
Justified: just AS IF I never sinned!
We carry Christ's nature <3
GOD is Love!
We are called to Love!
Be conformed to the image and likeness of Christ <3
GOD bought you, flaws and all!
Never let your problem or circumstance challenge what GOD has said, use His Word!!!
Jeremiah 23:3,4
Driven out and brought back to shepherds who will care for them!
Change your mindset
Change the stinky diaper
Change the dirty filter
Set up by GOD for the solution to the situation that you came out of!
GOD sees you in the present and future, He doesn't allow the past to have rule over you!
Satan hates the prophetic because it reminds them of their future!
1 Corinthians 14:1
Desire to prophesy
Written and Prophetic WORD
Knowledge without LOVE is out of bounds!
Regret is a chasm that holds you to your past!
Remind yourself who you are in Christ!
Don't give your past any place!
Practice ignorance to the past sin and negative thoughts because I am alive in Christ, all things are passed away, I am a new creature in Christ Jesus!
Teach people HOW to TRUST!
Divine Good vs human good!
The warfare is logic and reason that looks good!
Romans 8:1,2
Stop visiting the haunted house, the battle of ignorance!
Ignore death and Embrace LIFE!!!
Psalm 138
**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, A Peaceful Heart, A Hopeful Dream, JOY today and forever after!!!** Love, BeckieBee