Monday, February 04, 2013

Sunday February 3, 2013

Sunday February 3, 2013

The GLORY Zone
ALL Things New

Can't live in regret
Ephesians 4:1-6
I'm called to represent Jesus
Bearing is resisting what you really wanna do... Bend without breaking, not forsaking what you believe! Patience with people who oppose you... Give it to GOD! Pull back and Love from a distance! Vengeance is mine, says the LORD! Allow GOD to work it in you!

Marriage takes WORK!
Love thru you!
Run to GOD!

LOVE will work through anything!
DNA kindred spirit...
Different Needs Appointed
Fitly Joined
Follow GOD's Vision

Acts 2:44-47
Home is where you Belong!
Family first, army second. Warfare against the enemy, not against each other intending to hurt someone.
Stay in Love!

The Glory of the LORD starts with Love!

**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, A Peaceful Heart, A Hopeful Dream, JOY today and forever after!!!** Love, BeckieBee