Prayer is an unnatural activity. From birth we have been learning the rules of self-reliance as we strain and struggle to achieve self-sufficiency. Prayer is not natural; it is supernatural. Our flesh may fight against this activity of our spirit through complaints of fatigue and boredom. Don't listen. Instead, begin by reading the prayers of other saints. This can be a wonderful kind of spiritual carburetor cleaner to jumpstart the engine of prayer. The first stop would be the book of Psalms. Here is prayer in it's rawest form. You will find adoration, supplication, and thanksgiving. You'll find calm, peaceful prayers as well as prayers of desperation in the bleakest of situations. Begin to pray these prayer songs back to God, personalizing them if possible. Remember we are not too busy to pray, but too busy not to pray! "I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11) |  |  | |
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