 | **GOD, who made the world and everything in it, is LORD of Heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by human hands!** Acts 17:24 **He who Believes in Me, as the Scripture has said,~~out of his heart will ~flow~ rivers of living water**~~Jesus~~ John 7:38 You are Alpha and Omega! We worship You our LORD! You are Worthy to Bee Praised!~We give You ALL the Glory! We worship You our LORD! You are Worthy 2B Praised! **I am the Light of the world! Whoever follows me will have the Light of Life and will NEVER walk in darkness!**~Jesus~ John 8:12 Open Mic Oct 23rd@7p.m. TJ's Grill, 510 Williamstown Road, Sicklerville NJ LIKE Steve Yost and Common Destiny on Facebook :-) http://Facebook.com/commondestiny |  |  | |
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